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Re: Old Languages

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Thursday, October 4, 2001, 2:16
On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 05:19 PM, Colin Halverson wrote:

> I was wondering- how many people here speak dead languages, especially > Latin, > Ancient Greek, Ancient Hebrew. Also, not quite on the subject how does > Sanskrit fit into Indian languages. I've heard some are European based, > some > Dravidian?? Can someone explain? >
I don't *speak* Latin per se, but I did take intensive Latin for a semester and loved it. My proficiency is probably going to disappear rapidly...I really ought to borrow my sister's Latin text (since she's not going to have time to glance at it this quarter...) and start reviewing. I did, OC, crack up a choir friend of mine by singing the "Salve, regina" portion of that song in Evita ("The best show in town was the crowd/ outside the Casa Rosada crying Eva Peron..." etc.) using "Roman" as opposed to church pronunciation... I would love to learn Ancient Greek, it's just trying to learn Spanish *and* juggle teaching *and* classes right now is probably all I can handle. At least the alphabet is half-familiar from years of physics and math. :-) Stepping-stones are useful... YHL