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Spreading the Conlang Gospel

From:Donald Boozer <donaldboozer@...>
Date:Thursday, May 18, 2006, 15:58
I just wanted to let the list now that I just
presented two conlang programs at the Public Library
of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (Ohio, USA). One was
to staff, the other was to teens. Both were very well
received. I even had someone from the Klingon Language
Institute (who is also involved in Lojban) attend, and
he gave me a positive review.
The PowerPoint I used (along with the handouts,
outline, and exercises) is available at
I apologize that they're in Microsoft formats.
Some of you may remember I presented a similar
presentation at a library conference back in October
In regards to the new list member, here is my brief
My name is Don Boozer, and I'm a librarian in the
Cleveland Public Library Literature Department in
Cleveland, Ohio. I've been singlehandedly trying to
beef up our conlang materials (I ordered the David
Salo Sindarin book and all the currently published
Klingon "translations." I'm hoping to get a copy of
the Laadan dictionary by Elgin.) My website gives
links to my conlangs on Langmaker (works in progress).
Even briefer bio: goateed, straight, married (2 kids),
right-handed, of (distant) Swiss-Celtic-German-English
descent (My most recent immigrant ancestor came from
Switzerland in 1806).

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Larry Sulky <larrysulky@...>
Adam Walker <carrajena@...>