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From:Sudár Balázs <sudika@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 13:33
        David Peterson <DigitalScream@...> 2002.04.16. 19:55:06 -4h-kor írta:
> "fawiT, Gug&g, tSagZil-a-Gariz, waj min DidZejsat wazid..."
Hi everyone! Is it normal, that instead of letters I see only signs like "&"? (See above) I think you know but I'm new among you, so I'd like to ask you what the big letters mean (f.e. tSagZil-a-Gariz), is it a phonological writing? Excuse me for asking things like that, but it's still difficult for me to understand these things you all know. Thanks: Balazs -- SUDÁR BALÁZS


Marius Kempe <marius64@...>