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Re: Soaloa evolves, and a small challenge

From:Ph. D. <phild@...>
Date:Friday, April 29, 2005, 3:12
David J. Peterson wrote:
> > "It's the kind of game that you just want to go home, sit down > and play right away." > > So the object of "play" is "game". The object of "go" is "home", > though, and "sit down" doesn't have an object. Yet these are > all conjoined VP's. By all accounts, this sentence *should* be > ungrammatical, but people say things like this all the time in > English. This type of sentence, I figure, would be problematic > for any language.
I think this works in English because "to go home, sit down, and play" is analysed as a single action, sort of a single verb phrase. --Ph. D.