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Re: USAGE: Weird dialectal stuff

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 0:58
raccoon@ELKNET.NET wrote:
> where did the phrase "must needs" come from? I only started hearing > it/seeing it a few years ago, but apparently it's used in some older > versions of the Bible, etc. It always seemed really strange to me, > first of all, because "needs" seems to me to be a conjugated form of > "to need," and second, because it seems redundant.
I think that in "must needs", "needs" is the genitive of "need"; the genitive was once far more widely used in English than it is now, as preserved in forms like "besides" and the like. -- "Old linguists never die - they just come to voiceless stops." - anonymous ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor