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Re: milimpulaktasin

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Friday, April 20, 2001, 0:20
daniel andreasson wrote:
> > Robert Hailman wrote: > > > Ooh! I like this. Nakiltipkaspimak sounds not too far off > > how I imagined it, and I like what I hear. Tres cool. > > Are you sure this isn't just because of my sexy voice? ;)
:-) Well, that could be part of it, but the lang has to lend itself to a sexy voice... Ajuk doesn't very much, I can't imagine how that would sound.
> Actually, it was so fun recording snippets of my conlangs > that I've decided to put up a page on my site with examples > from Seimi and Rinya too.
Ooh. That'd be cool. Hearing conlangs is fun - the IPA only gives you so much of an idea of how a language sounds.
> > The only problem is that the RA file played too quiet for > > whatever reason, so I cranked up the volume on my computer, > > and got an unpleasant suprise the next time I recieved a > > message on ICQ - > > Oops. Sorry about that. The problem is that the sound gets > so muffled. I made a recording where I talked closer to the > mic and a bit louder. It did sound better, but it still > sounded much like "blur blur blur".
Well, that's what happens with RA. I could make out what they were saying easily, but it was muffled and quiet. Well, it's no trouble, unless you forget to turn the volume down afterwards. ;-)
> > Actually, I've tried to do things like this before, but > > they always made me realize I don't know how to pronounce > > my own conlang. :-( But actually, I think I've got it now, > > so maybe I'll try again when I get the chance. > > Yes. Pronouncing your own conlang can be quite a chore. Though > Pimak came out surprisingly easy. I only had to do two or > three practice rounds.
Well, Pimak has a pretty simple phonology, so it'd be easier than others. You're lucky that way. :-) Ajuk, I'd say, has around the complexity of English - there are more consonants, but a simpler vowel system and a simple syllable structure. It's the stress that throws me off, mostly.
> It would be fun to *hear* some Ajuk and all other conlangs > as well. I'm especially looking forward to hearing some of > Danny Wier's creations. (And I'm not talking about that new > "minimalist" phonology for Orcish.) That might be fun... :)
Hmm - yeah, this could be the one situation where there's an advantage to one type of a phonology over another when it comes to artlangs and the like - when I started working on Ajuk, I never thought I'd have to be able to pronounce it correctly. ;-)
> My favourite all time high best recorded conlang ever is > Pablo Flores' "G'amah Hymn" where some trolls sing some kind > of battle hymn. Very funny! :) > > > is the address for that one.
Hee hee! That's GREAT! I must've listened to it like 5 times in a row. It's surreal. Great wook Pablo! -- Robert


D Tse <exponent@...>
daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>