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OT: HTML/CSS design, LaTeX, Conlang Journal, etc.

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Sunday, April 14, 2002, 21:19
On Sunday 14 April 2002 11:16, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
> On the subject of stylesheets, does anyone know a good source for > learning CSS? I'm under the impression that there are ways to > provide multiple stylesheets and a way for the user to choose > between them, and the like, which could be useful to me. (I'm > trying to arrange it so that I don't need to have different pages > for formatting-intense and formatting-light webpages, since there > are a good portion of Conlang members who prefer plainer-text > browsers, and putting up two identical websites would be mildly > ridiculous.)
OK. Here's my two cents on design. Please note that this is a personal opinion, and though I am rabidly attached to it, I am mostly okay with people ignoring it, too. Sylvia's 1st Rule of Design: Design for black & white. Do not add formatting, color, or any of the other fun stuff until you're satisfied that the information you are presenting is laid out in a way that helps understanding. Sylvia's 2nd Rule of Design: After you're done with the first rule, then you can add the fun stuff, being careful to always add to the legibility and layout of the page and not to detract from it. When in doubt, don't do it. White space is your friend. Sylvia's Special Rule on HTML/CSS: O'Reilly is your friend. Validators are useful. Lynx is indispensible. My most often used HTML reference is the O'Reilly HTML: The Definitive Guide. My only real CSS reference is O'Reilly's Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide. Validators I use are: for HTML, for CSS, and for general over-all accessibility. As to Lynx, see if you don't actually have a copy of it. I generally design my pages (occasionally even professionally) with as strict html as I can manage and I leave all the color and formatting to the css file. I've used LaTeX and I've toyed with the idea of composing my reference grammar in it. It's big advantage is then I can use macrons instead of accents for the Kélen vowels. However, it only exists on my big desktop machine and not on my (or rather my employer's) laptop, and since I like to do my composing in the backyard or by the pool, I generally stick with Word, and save things as plain text. As to the Conlang Journal, a site that made things available in PDF, thus preserving all the formatting and special characters that HTML/CSS is not capable of, would be wonderful. I would be happy to volunteer my HTML and CSS skills, and I'll even try to dust off my LaTeX knowledge if it'll be useful. And Sheryas, as to choosing CSS files, that depends very much on the browser a person is using. And then it is generally limited to applying a local css file rather than the site css file. I would suggest you just go for formatting-light where possible. As long as whatever you put up degrades gracefully, no one should complain. Off to the pool, -Sylvia -- Sylvia Sotomayor The Kélen language can be found at: This post may contain the following characters: á (a-acute); é (e-acute); í (i-acute); ó (o-acute); ú (u-acute); ñ (n-tilde);


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>