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Re: OT: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded? "Yer Ugly Mug," etc.

From:Jessica Husén <husen_82@...>
Date:Monday, May 19, 2003, 20:23
Andreas Johansson wrote:

> The corresponding Swedish terms (_pojkvän_ och _flikvän_, > respectively) I quite commonly hear being used of people way > older than a _pojke_ "boy" or _flicka_ "girl", and it makes my > ears cringe every time!
Well. I think flickvän and pojkvän are both good. You could also use tjej (girl) or kille (boy). But I wouldn't use kille about my boyfriend (who for the moment doesn't exist), it would give me a feeling that our relationship wasn't really serious. Then pojkvän, IMO, is better. Sounds more mature, or something. Jessica Husen