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Re: conlang t-shirt

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Thursday, November 4, 1999, 5:07
Jay Bowks wrote:

> Just do me a favor... humor the auxlangs > there's not that many... just include these > four Volapuk, Esperanto, Interlingua, and Solresol. > and I'm happy... no more gruff from me... > I'm even willing to sacrifice Ekspreso... > But for this... some of you antiaux-artlangers > better come up with goodies to fill the void. ;-) > So how about it?
Speaking as a relatively long-time CONLANG and AUXLANG person, I'll propose that all those troublesome auxlangs be represented by Ekspreso instead, which is a true conlang by a CONLANG member. Anyway, once you've seen one euroclone, you've seen them all. Or else you gotta have my favorite, Occidental, instead of ...