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Re: Some help with Latin

From:R A Brown <ray@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 11:03
Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
> On 2007-09-24 R A Brown wrote: > >> Also, Cattulus keeps the -o at the end of 'Nescio' short ;) > > > Why?
Basically, so that it would scan :) Normally in Classical Latin final -o is long, except in the words _ego (I), duo (two), modo (only), cito_ (quickly) where it was short. But you will find that poets will treat the final -o of the 1st person singular of verbs and the nominative singular of the 3rd declension as short if it suits their purpose; this often the case with the poets Martial and Juvenal. -- Ray ================================== ================================== Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitudinem.


Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...>
Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>