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Re: CHAT: Tolkien (was Re: fantasy)

From:Grandsire, C.A. <grandsir@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 24, 1999, 8:35
Nik Taylor wrote:
> > Raymond Brown wrote: > > I thought everything about Hobbits were round - certainly their stomachs > > were :) > > I always thought the Hobbits just looked like small, fat, humans with > furry feet (since it said in the book that their feet were furry - did > it say their ears were furry?, I can't remember) >
I think that everything was furry in the Hobbits (maybe even the palm of their hands? No, it's another book I read).
> Dwarves I think of as also small, but not as small as Hobbits, but with > long grey beards, and very muscular. >
That seems to be a fair description.
> Elves I've seen as graceful humans. I've never imagined them looking > different from humans, except perhaps a bit smaller, and looking very > beautiful. >
There you have a problem. Tolkien described his Elves as being taller than humans, not smaller. You see? a rest of the popular belief due to other fairy tales :) .
> -- > "Old linguists never die - they just come to voiceless stops." - > anonymous > > > ICQ: 18656696 > AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor
-- Christophe Grandsire Philips Research Laboratories -- Building WB 145 Prof. Holstlaan 4 5656 AA Eindhoven The Netherlands Phone: +31-40-27-45006 E-mail: