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Re: Rubaga Orthog. Part 1

From:Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 23, 2002, 4:27
On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:39:13 -0700, JS Bangs <jaspax@...>

>Jeff: > >I read the post of Rubaga Orthography, and I will say--it's impressively >complicated. I don't have the time (or attention span, for the moment) to >completely understand it, but it was certainly complicated and not >entirely unlikely. But very baroque. I personally don't care for the >unattatched hard, soft, and firm marks, but that's just an aesthetic >judgement.
Thanks, Jesse. I'm not sure what you mean by unattached, but in normal writing, the firm mark is always written over a vowel letter, the hard mark most of the time, and the soft mark sometimes. This is awkward to type on my computer, and not readable for some people on this list.
>To make it clearer and a little less intimidating, I suggest that you give >more examples, with a "walk-through" or two, describing exactly what each >letter does. (Tedious, of course, but a big help.)
I just added the following section: is this the kind of thing you mean? 3.5. Some Consonant Examples ---------------------------- OK -- this section doesn't stand on it's own; probably some sample words would help: hard: {cßbo} ["ka:.bU] {sßge} ["sa:.J\I] {_to} ["e:.tU] firm: {_bra} ["iv.r`3] {l_ga} ["lo:.N3] soft: {cabe} ["kaev_j] {teage} ["t_Saej\] {dugato} [dU"RAoT_w] ((( in case this doesn't come out, it's supposed to be hard: {ca'bo} ["ka:.bU] {sa'ge} ["sa:.J\I] {e'to} ["e:.tU] firm: {i^bra} ["iv.r`3] {lo^ga} ["lo:.N3] soft: {cabe} ["kaev_j] {teage} ["t_Saej\] {dugato} [dU"RAoT_w] ))) Ignore for now how the vowels are pronounced, and assume any initial consonants are hard. {cßbo}: hard C before A = [k]; hard B before O = [bw], except that [w] disappears in this case. {sßge}: hard S before A = [s]; hard G before E = [J\]. {_to}: hard T before O = [tw], except that [w] disappears in this case. {_bra}: firm B before a consonant = [v]; R before A = [r`]. {l_ga}: hard L before O = [lw], except that [w] disappears in this case; firm G before A = [N]. {cabe}: soft (after a vowel) B before E = [v_j]. {teage}: hard T before E = [t_S]; soft (after a vowel) G before E = [j\]. {dugato}: hard D before O = [dw], except that [w] disappears in this case; soft (after a vowel) G before A = [R]; soft (after a vowel) T before O = [lw], except that [w] disappears in this case. ---- Jeff
>Jesse S. Bangs >