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Re: The translation exercise in Valdyan

From:Josh Roth <fuscian@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 7, 1999, 18:26
In a message dated 4/1/1999 8:03:54 PM, john@DRUMMOND.DEMON.CO.UK writes:

>>vestie... cyne... cyne... farie: the usual way to express a sequence >>of events in a story. > >EA similarly uses "lacorgaw"=3D"before it all", "yafgaw"=3D"after that" >and "lacafgaw"=3D"after it all", although they are all adverbials.
AFMC, Eloshtan uses a similar system of adverbs. Basically it goes: epevev (firstly) . . . entev (then) . . . klentev (and then) . . . najav=20 (lastly, finally) Klentev comes from "kalok" (two) + entev (then). There is in fact a whole=20 series of "then" words that come from numbers plus "entev" (tho most are not=20 used very often): ralok (3) + entev =3D rentev razok (4) + entev =3D zentev malak (5) + entev =3D mlentev catak (6) + entev =3D ctentev gitek (7) + entev =3D gitentev yorak (8) + entev =3D yentev ragok (9) + entev =3D rigentev You can, of, course, just say the normal words "secondly," "thirdly," etc.=20 instead of "then," "second-then," etc.=97they are formed by adding vev/vov t= o=20 the number=97kalovov, ralovov, gitevev, etc. Josh