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Slightly OFF-TOPIC: Shoebox 4.0 to HTML CCT

From:Sheets, Jeff <jsheets@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 9, 1998, 16:39
A while back taliesin posted a message, "Viva Shoebox!"  I had been
interested and was going to convert his work into C or C++.  I have decided
instead to make a CCT, Consistent Changes Table, that will allow you to do a
simple plain text export using it to make an HTML file from within Shoebox.
I will begin by implementing the markers I use most, and if enough demand
for more is desired, will continue to the more difficult ones.  Hopefully it
will monopolize on much of the data contained in the MDF cct's, so that you
can use the alternate hierarchy as well.  Stay tuned, but not TOO tuned.
It'll be a while. :)