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Re: newbie, sort of

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, June 13, 2003, 11:23
En réponse à Aquamarine Demon :

>I still am a beginner, and I'm sure I'll continue to ask plenty of >questions. ;)
Very good then ;)) .
>Oui, un peu. J'ai fini mon troisième an d'étudier le français. (Ah! I'm >not sure how right that is... I understand more of what I read than what I >can actually write, oddly enough.)
It's absolutely not odd. Passive knowledge of a language always preceeds active knowledge. As for your sentence, it'd be better as "J'ai fini ma troisième année de français". "Année" is used rather than "an" here. It's a bit like the difference between "jour" and "journée". And in this situation it is clear that "français" is a subject of study (otherwise the sentence would be meaningless semantically speaking), so you needn't be any more precise.
> And yes, I do have a conlang.... it's still very much in the works, > though. I'm sure I'll have time to work on it this summer, though. >Glossopoème? Interesting coinage.
Thanks :)) . Well, if you like Greco-Latin monstruosities, it's quite nice ;)) . And it allows for a nice parallel with "poème" and similar words. So conlanging is "glossopoésie" ("glossopoièse", the equivalent of English "glossopoeisis" has about the same origin, but sounds less nice in French and doesn't allow for the same derivations) and a conlanger is a "glossopoète". I like it personally ;))) . Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.