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Re: my proposals for a philosophical language

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Monday, January 27, 2003, 19:29
 --- Hanuman Czang skrzypszy:

> "Contamination"??? Besmettelijk O_o?? Onzin!!! Kunstzinnig wisselgeld!!!! > > *hie-hie...* ::ge(e)k-geleerde _Manga_-Neder-_Lang_er gelach:: >};}
Wow, this is *real* Dadadaism. A masterpiece! [Een meesterschot! Piff, je kunt een sigaar uit het kistje nemen...] --- I Krzysztof Grãdsir skrzypszy:
> You really need to learn your Dutch ;)) . "Onzin" is "nonsense" ("zin" is > indeed "sense" - or "sentence" ;)) -). "kunstzinnig" indeed means "artistic". > And "wisselgeld" means "change" (as in "small money" ;)) ). And > "besmettelijk" > means "infectious", hence the connection to "contamination" ("besmetting" in > Dutch).
I see you are making serious progress...
> We should really make Dutch the official language of this list ;))))))) .
Yay!! Good idea! --- I D&#380;on Kuwan skrzypszy:
> An excellent plan. We will explain that Dutch is the de jure language of > Conlang postings, but that de facto we use English, as not enough of us > understand Dutch.
You are truly a master in making compromises. --- Ma&#380; Sara Kawrzena skrzypszy:
> Good. I've always wanted to learn Dutch. Where do I start? I'd also like > to learn Icelandic. Any folks from Iceland here?
That's a lot of info in one sentence. Well, I don't know Icelandic, and I have never heard of Icelanders on the list (although there are some people who can speak it). Where do I start? Depends on the kind of course you want to follow. My favourite traject is a Teach Yourself book or something similar. Perhaps a course? Anyway, if you have any questions about Dutch, you know where to find me... --- I Trzysztan skrzypszy:
> And what happens when Jan and Boudewijn and Christophe and any others > start posting in Dutch and we can't ask them not to?
Hey, as a two-quarters Dutch person, you are always welcome to join us! And don't forget Irina, Rob, Vaksje, Maarten... Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts


Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>If you ain't Dutch ... [was: Re: my proposals for a philosophical language]
Tristan <kesuari@...>