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Re: Neologism may get confusing sometimes...

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Monday, March 25, 2002, 21:31
Andreas Johansson scripsit:

> It's a bit like "nationalism", "patriotism" and "chauvinism" - they all mean > much the same thing, but they signal different attitudes of the speaker > towards the phenomenon.
Note that by overextending the phrase "male chauvinism", the word "chauvinism" in English may now mean any kind of prejudice in favor of one's own group whatever the nature of that group: it is not restricted to nationalism. -- John Cowan <jcowan@...> I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith. --Galadriel, _LOTR:FOTR_