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Re: Musical conlangs (was: Poetique)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Saturday, January 10, 2004, 0:33
--- Tommie L Powell <tommiepowell@...>
> Costentin Cornomorus wrote: > > Of course, I'm not sure why Solresol is > > restricted to three note words either. > > I know why I would restrict it to 3-note words > (plus 1-note and 2-note words). Here's why: > > First, 1-note plus 2-note plus 3-note words > total 7+49+343=399 words, which is enough > for general purposes (as in trade languages).
Quite. And while I have no doubts about the maths, I have grave doubts about basing the number of letters per words on strictly mathematical terms. This seems to be a problem with Solresol to begin with - why reinvent that particular square wheel? I also think that such limitations could only lead to an unmusical sounding language like Solresol apparently is!
> Second, using only such words lets Solresol be > played in 3/4 time, with each word occupying > one measure, like so: In a 1-note word, the > note > would be held for 3 beats, and in a 2-note > word, > the second note would be held for 2 beats, and > in a 3-note word, each note would last 1 beat.
But "measures" are a purely, mm, musicographical (orthographical) phenomenon. That is, measures aren't heard in the music (the same way Upper Case Letters are not heard in speech (EXCEPT DEATH'S)), they're just convenient constructs to divide and sort of categorise written music. Personally, I like the idea of using longer, well crafted musical phrases. I mean look at opera. It takes em 20 minutes to say half a dozen words, it's done beautifully and musically, and twenty people can all talk at once harmoniously. If a conlang based on music is the order of the day, I'd rather it BE music and not just words that can be equated to random notes via some formula. No one said this had to be a logical or auxiliary language after all! I don't see why we'd have to restrict the thing to what is minimally required for efficient communication. I see no problem with a bit o baroquerie here. Padraic. ===== la cieurgeourea provoer mal trasfu ast meiyoer ke 'l andrext ben trasfu. -- Ill Bethisad -- <> Come visit The World! -- <> .


Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>