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Re: Beijing, Zhongguo, etc.

From:Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 17:05
On 2008-08-19 Mark J. Reed wrote:
> If I'm standing in my office in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, carrying on a > conversation in English, and talking about the recent visit of our > friend from Oslo, I'm going to say ['azloU], because that's how the > name is pronounced in English. If I say "Our friend from [uslu] was > just in town", I'll get strange looks, and nobody will know what the > heck I'm talking about - except perhaps my Swedish colleague, if she > happens to be in the conversation. That would be the sort of thing I > refer to as "Trebekking".
I used to do that until the time I was speaking about a ['Cund&] and got a blank stare. Now I say [h8n'daj] like all other Swedes... /BP