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Re: Boring Canadian history

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 0:07
Matt McLauchlin wrote:
> > >Canada's history is fairly uninteresting, especially when you are being > >forced to learn it by a teacher who knows nothing, so the people who > >write books about it are also a fairly uninteresting and unoriginal > >bunch, I'd imagine. > > Canadian history is NOT uninteresting. Try reading a *good* book about it > sometime. I suggest John Ralston Saul's "Reflections of a Siamese Twin".
There are interesting moments in Canadian history, granted, but on the whole, I'm not interested by it. It's a bizarre paradox: (is that the word I'd use?) a good book can make Canadian history interesting, but the majority of the people who would read a book on Canadian history are people who are interested in it. I'm willing to reconsider, so I'll check out this book of yours. I was turned off Canadian history by the Toronto Board of Education's shoddy curriculum that emphasises all the dull points of Canadian history. -- Robert