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Re: Lookin' for the OED

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Saturday, July 6, 2002, 16:17
Jeffrey Henning writes:
 > --- In conlang@y..., And Rosta <a-rosta@A...> wrote:
 > > In reply to Peter's query, I don't know of any decent
 > downloadable
 > > dictionary. There's a surprising dearth of such stuff
 > when you
 > > actually set out to look for it.
 > There's an old Webster's somewhere (Project Gutenberg?)
 > but I prefer WordNet, which is downloadable.  I run it
 > with a Python interface and with a VB interface; both
 > offer capabilities the other doesn't.  It has a command
 > line interface, as well.
There's a protocol called dict ( which has a number of
different dictionaries it can use, including WordNet and the GNU
Collaborative Internet Dictionary of English (gcide) which is based on
the 1913 Webster's (via Project Gutenberg) supplemented with some
WordNet definitions.  I have this installed on my Linux machine, and
it's quite useful.