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Re: THEORY: Re : THEORY: Natural language change (was Re: Charlie and I)

From:Christophe Grandsire <grandsir@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 22, 1999, 7:49
Nik Taylor wrote:
> > "From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html" wrote: > > "l'homme que je marche avec (lui)" > > Woah! So, you can say "l'homme que je marche avec"? Intriguing! I > always knew there had to be some other language that allowed that. >
It's rather awkward, and certainly not grammatically correct. I would say more easily: "l'homme avec qui je marche": the man with whom I walk. But maybe in the far countryside you can find a French tribe speaking like Mathias showed us :) .
> -- > Oh Lord, grant that we may always be right, for thou knowest we will > never change our mind. - Scots Prayer > >
-- Christophe Grandsire Philips Research Laboratories -- Building WB 145 Prof. Holstlaan 4 5656 AA Eindhoven The Netherlands Phone: +31-40-27-45006 E-mail: