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Re: CHAT: Nimrud

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Friday, March 26, 2004, 8:39
Quoting "Thomas R. Wier" <trwier@...>:

> Andreas: > > Concerning your question about the various names assigned to > Nimrud, the answer is that "Tell-Nimrud" is the modern Arabic > name of the site; "Kalhu" is the Akkadian term; Kalah (Calah) > the Biblical Hebrew; Kalha the Aramaic. So, it has nothing > to do with the loss of case systems in Akkadian, as _Kalhu_ > would be the standard citation form for the language in > the Standard Babylonian period, after the loss of mimation. > Old Babylonian would be _Kalhum_ (unless it's pluralia tantum, > but my source doesn't say anything about this).
Thanks for sorting that out! Andreas