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Re: Font layouts

From:vardi <vardi@...>
Date:Thursday, October 8, 1998, 16:22
Christophe Grandsire wrote:

> When you talked of the 'tremendous beauty' of the Arabic alphabet, > you made me realize that when I'm trying to create a writing, I always begin > trying to make something as beatiful as the Arabic alphabet. There are many > reasons for that: > - I'm left-handed, so writing from right to left is easier for me than from > left to right. > - The first step when I create a new writing is to make 'arabesques' (still > Arabic!) in order to find ideas. I think the Arabic alphabet is the most > near to that kind of 'automatic writing'. > - I think the Arabic alphabet is the best example for linked letters > handwriting (unhappily, my own writings are generally too much 'squared' to > allow such handwriting). >
I'm also left-handed (have we stumbled on another piece in the jigsaw puzzle of why people become conlangers - perhaps Sally could ask a final, final question on this aspect :) All you say about Arabic I agree with. I guess, at least partly, the Islamic frowning on representative art and the abstract/calligraphic art that has inspired in mosques, etc., may explain why so much energy has gone into developing a range of beautiful fonts and calligraphic styles for Arabic.