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Re: TERMINOLOGY: Re: another new language to check out

From:Ph. D. <phild@...>
Date:Friday, July 2, 2004, 3:05
Ray Brown wrote:
> > Yes, I have seen the conditional -us analyzed as -u- (tense marker) +s > (indicative mood marker), and also -nt- & -t- being added to the > conditional -u-. But I understand that the 'conditional participles', tho > used by some, do not have official sanction & are not recognized by all > Esperantists. Also, of course, the conditional is not strictly a tense in > the same way that present (-a-), past (-i-) and future (-o-) are.
Another construction which is not official and is not recognized by all (most?) Esperantists is the combined progressive tense. A root X which is fundamentally an adjective can be made into a verb which means "to be X": La papero estas seka = The paper is dry. La papero sekas = The paper is dry. "anta" is the ending of the present active participle, so a compound tense can be made (although not commonly used): Mi estas kuiranta la rizon = I am cooking the rice. (Normally one would simply say "Mi kuiras la rizon.") Some Esperantists form one verb from this: Mi kuirantas la rizon = I am cooking the rice. Again, this is not official and is deprecated by many Esperantists. --Ph. D.