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Re: Info Needed: "Blade" and "Dark Skies" (longish)

From:Paul Bennett <paulnkathy@...>
Date:Friday, January 26, 2001, 23:58
On 19 Jan 2001, 16:22,
J Matthew Pearson writes:

> I have yet to hear from anybody about the vampire language from > "Blade". I guess I'm on my own on that one. I'll let you guys know > what I discover...
Curses to me for not keeping up with the list like a good little lurker. I have a collection of filtered and tidied audio files for every word or phrase of Vampire spoken in the film, and some largely hand-written romanisations and IPA transcriptions of some of them. There was a point where I was going to do a 'first principles' decipherment of my own, you see. I was preparing materials to post to the list and see what people could tell me. The best phonetic feature of the language IMO is 'growly voicing' which first appears (IIRC) in the council chamber scene, where everyone is trying to intimidate Frost. Over the weekend, I'll try and see what I can get together. Can you read Unicode HTML files? If you give me an idea of the sound formats you can read, I can set to with converting 'em. Hoping I'm not too late, Paul