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USAGE: All your base are belong to us (Was: Re: USAGE: idioms with variable objects (was: deeply embedded VSO nightmare))

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Saturday, October 27, 2001, 12:52
On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 03:06:13AM -0400, Adam Walker wrote:
> Excuse me, but What are ya'll talking about? Is this some new slang?
Not really, it's this little inside "joke" going around computer gaming circles that seems to have gotten extremely popular. The phrase "all your base are belong to us" comes from an old (little-known) computer game created in Japan, called "Zero Wing", that was apparently translated to English by somebody who knew very little English. For some reason or other, people found the result very funny, and so it's been spreading around since, and recently suddenly became very popular (I'm not sure why). Here's one of many links on the net that explains the game, and gives a transcription of the intro sequence, which is where the "all your base are belong to us" phrase comes from: The FAQ is very long, so I've decided to quote the relevant passage here: ====================================== C1. The Introduction (English version) ====================================== In A.D. 2101 War was beginning Outside Ship - An explosion occurs. Ship's Bridge Captain: "What happen ?" Mechanic: "Somebody set up us the bomb." Close-Up of Excited Communications Officer Operator: "We get signal." Captain: "What !" Ship's Bridge Operator: "Main screen turn on." (CATS appears) Captain: "It's you !!" Close up of CATS CATS: "How are you gentlemen !!" CATS: "All your base are belong to us." CATS: "You are on the way to destruction." Close up of captain & CATS Captain: "What you say !!" CATS: "You have no chance to survive make your time." Ship's Bridge CATS: "Ha ha ha ha ...." Close up of Forlorn Captain Operator: "Captain !!" Ship's Bridge (ZIGs on monitors) Captain: "Take off every 'ZIG'!!" Shows a ZIG pilot powering up Captain: "You know what you doing." Shows a ZIG moving into launch position Captain: "Move 'ZIG'." ZIGs on monitors, Bridge Explodes Captain: "For great justice." The ship explodes. A lone ZIG zooms into view! T -- PNP = Plug 'N' Pray