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Re: How did you find out that there were other conlangers?

From:Sai Emrys <sai@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 7:37
Oh, and FWIW for myself... I actually have no idea. :/

I took a bunch of languages by high school - parental Russian,
scholastic French, Spanish, & Japanese, random bits inbetween. I
recall starting to conlang in mid high school, and being very rapidly
moved to the (more difficult?) meta project of trying to do one that
is novel / idealistic / etc. And of course I'd read LotR sometime in
elementary school.

Somewhere in all that (~1997?), I read the various online stuff about
conlanging. I know that it was a fair while before I found CONLANG, or
later, the ZBB - enough so that I started LJ Conlangs first, for want
of a community. It wasn't until I got more serious, researching for
the conlang class I'd teach, that I started to read the other material
available in bound form - Tolkien's essay, LLL, Imagining Language,
random bits from Ido and Volapuk conferences, etc.

I don't honestly remember *how* I came across the idea of conlanging,
or the initial websites, in the first place. I do remember that, when
first looking about it, I found the online material available to be
somewhat incoherent; it was not at all immediately obvious that there
were communities and not just various personal websites, outdated link
collections, etc. And this was pre-Wikipedia, which I imagine is one
of the first places I'd look now.

- Sai