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Re: A Proposed Latin-1 vowel notation

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Friday, September 8, 2000, 3:29
On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:15:45 +0200, BP Jonsson <bpj@...> wrote:

> FRONT CENTR BACK > -R +R -R +R -R +R >HIGH i y ï ü û u >MIDHI e ø î õ o >MIDLOW ë ö ê ô ã å >LOW æ ä a â > >It is assumed e.g. that ï ü can be used also for the vowels in English KIT >and FOOT respectively. > >NB I'm not all happy with the unsystematic use of ^, but signs with ^ are >generallly more back and/or lower. Perhaps ë and ê should swap places?
I don't especially like ë for [E] either. Either ê or è would be preferable. I've used ê for [E], but then some natlangs use ê and ô for [e] and [o]. Another way to distinguish the high and low variants of "e" and "o" sounds would be to use é and ó for the higher ones. I'm fond of using ù and ò for the two higher back unrounded vowels. The circumflex of â nicely suggests an inverted v, so I use that for the [V] sound. Compared with my Kolagian Orthography scheme (see below), I like your use of ï and ü for the high central vowels, and using them as substitutes for [I] and [U], at least for English, although I think there's a three-way [i]/[I]/[1] contrast in some of my older languages. My system uses ø for the barred o, an important sound in Olaetian, but yours is better for languages like German because it avoids the Windows-specific letter œ (o-e ligature). í ü ì ý ù ú î ï û é ö è ø ò ó ê œ ë õ â ô æ à ä ã á å