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Re: Malat (Was: New Language)

From:Eric Christopherson <eric@...>
Date:Saturday, November 21, 1998, 5:36
Garrett wrote:
> Well, my personal opinion is that there is no real point in making languages close to > natlangs... what's wrong with just using that natlang? If you're going to create a > work of art, be original... make up some wierd rules for the language, have fun with
Well, I have found that in deriving languages from natlangs, my job is much easier and I am free to have fun with the language while already having a lot of the groundwork laid. I just started a Romance language called Lainesco, which looks and sounds fairly similar to Spanish and Portuguese, but is unique. It all started because I have studied Spanish for a long time and found myself thinking "what if this aspect of Spanish was like that?" So I implemented those ideas in Lainesco. The bad part, though, is that I feel somewhat bound by the rules and vocabulary of Latin and I want to use a fairly consistent system to derive words from Latin, and they don't all come out like I want them to. *Shrug* But I like it because it looks recognizably Romance but it's new and different and MINE! :D