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Re: Whatever happened to Cosseran?

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Thursday, November 16, 2000, 4:10
Am 11/11 12:21  Dan Jones yscrifef:

> The Albigensian crusade was abortive, it never took place because the > heretics were intimidated enough to repent. However, Pope Pius (I thuink) > had promised the French nobility a war, so he launced the Manican Crusade > (against the Ynysaw a'n Vaenc'h) instead. Eventually, much later, Provence > came under French rule, but national sentiment was strong enough by then so > after Napoleon it declared itself independent. It needs to be joined with > France pre-Napoleon, otherwise M. Bonaparte wouldn't have arrived in French > Marseilles, but in a completely different country. I think this could work, > actually. Any disagreements, the brammygow? >
If the Manican Crusade was more serious than the Albigensian, then it is possible that a underground Cathar remnent might assert itself to form a minority church during the Reformation or at Independence from France. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus Death is something you never live to regret.