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Re: I'M BACK!!! :)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Sunday, August 31, 2003, 15:59
--- Remi Villatel <maxilys@...> wrote:

What an interesting life you and Christophe

> Christophe Grandsire wrote: > > [A lot of off-topic things...] ;-) > > Juste 2 mots pour te dire que si tu n'étais pas > parti si vite,
"Just pour 2 motes, dear, I ain't particular!"
> j'aurais eu le temps de dire que nous avions la > possibilité d'echanger quelques
"I heard it on The Times, dear, that we might be flying to the summit in Calques."
> mots dans nos conlangs respectifs de vive voix > à Rouen.
"But then we always bungle those sorts of things - we'll be lucky to see Rouen!"
> Tant pis... Pour les prochaines grandes > vacances ? ;-)
"Oh, piss; I've gone and left the pork roast in the oven!"
> izato'kja hej'tu
"Ta!" Mercy buckets, but I think we need to try some Dutch next time! Isn't it the Official Language of the List, anyway? Padraic. ===== Samlan, isa-susansilo-war-mercumo crastandus, en! mercumes-don-crâgamando, en! mercumes-dom-resmanstaro haccruçen-fon-Mursilbâm! And now, the corpse lies limp, lo! even the body of strength, lo! even the body of Mursilbâm that slew the monster! [Erronian fragment] -- Come visit The World! -- <> .


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>