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Re: Llirine: How to creat a language

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 22:09
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, [iso-8859-1] Cheng Zhong Su wrote:

> --- Andreas Johansson wrote: > > > What the in the blazing is "nonlinear phonology"? > > The phonolgy of > > non-segmental languages or what? (BTW, what is > > "linear phonology"?) I still > > don't understand what you mean by "phonetic > > type"/"one articulation type" - > > from your description it seems like a syllable. As > > for the "b" and "e" in > > "be" being articulated together, they are patently > > NOT articulated > > simultaneously if that's what you mean. > > > > > > Andreas > Answer:If you can link that web page, the best answer > may be like that, no matter how many syllables or > 'phonetic types' you have, a tone language speaker > always give at leat four times such numerous sound > units and with more sound units we can shorten all the > words, with shorten words it's more easy to compose > new words such as if we assign pi=pig; mi=meat then we > may take off the word 'pork' instead using pimi. We > can give demonstration that all the current one > million English words can be translated into just few > thousand such shorten words. that's to say, once we > handle these few thousand words, it'll be equal we > handle the one million words too. > Su Cheng Zhong >
So you want to make English more like Chinese. That's nice. An interesting project. I wish you luck. Please don't make it tonal, though. I can do high level, high falling, low rising just fine. I just cannot manage the middle-falling-rising tone at all, and non-toned syllables seem to want to take a random tone. I can manage if I wave my arms around and conduct myself, but try flailing about while talking some time. You get strange looks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prurio modo viri qui in arbore pilosa est. ~~Elvis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~