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Re: "Coming out" about conlanging to people in Academia [was Re:Caryatic]

From:Thomas R. Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Saturday, July 21, 2001, 6:46
Justin Mansfield wrote:

> This comment was of course designed to provoke laughter, and it did. > But my family were pretty interested and asked me about it from time to > time. They've mostly forgotten about it by now, except perhaps my aunt > who recently caught me working on it at her house (a friend of mine had > emailed a proposal for a Caryatic alphabet).
Since I've never actually announced that I conlang to my immediate family, their response was naturally somewhat more muted, but was in general along the lines you have mentioned above. I had it on my webpage once, and my father inquired about it, but that's about it. I don't think they think much about it. =================================== Thomas Wier | AIM: trwier "Aspidi men Saiôn tis agalletai, hên para thamnôi entos amômêton kallipon ouk ethelôn; autos d' exephugon thanatou telos: aspis ekeinê erretô; exautês ktêsomai ou kakiô" - Arkhilokhos