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Re: Requesting some challenging sentences

From:Larry Sulky <larrysulky@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 13:05
On 10/25/05, Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...> wrote:
> Every time I try to go off in some peculiar direction > and do something original it keeps circling around and > turning into somthing quite ordinary from one natlang > or another. Is there nothing new under the sun? ;-) > > --gary >
It's because we (including you) keep urging you to demonstrate, in your grammar, the ability to do something ordinary from one natlang or another. A people that actually spoke a language with a grammar like Soaloa's might never be bothered to convey some of these concepts, but might find it easy to convey others that we're not even thinking of. Still, I suspect that Soaloa truly is too rudimentary to do what you want, which is why it's an interesting topic of discussion! Thanks! --larry