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Re: Brr (was: Re: A few questions about linguistics concerning my new project)

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 19:15
Kou wrote:
>From: Michael Poxon <mike@...> > > > 3. Rather than expand the vowel system, it might be fun to restrict it. >Just > > have (say) a i u, as I believe some Inuit langs do. That may even give >your > > language a certain cold-climate feel, fine if that's what you're after >but > > not so fine if you're not! > >Doesn't Arabic, at least in theory, have an a-i-u system? While I've heard >it can get pretty nippy on those desert nights and you might want to bring >a cardigan to a mountain top, I don't think of Arabic having a cold-climate >feel :-) >
Yes. Also Tagalog and Bisayan, among others in the PI. They do have /e o/ in loans, however.


R A Brown <ray@...>