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Re: [Conlangs-Conf] Witty slogan

From:Sai Emrys <sai@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 19:01
On 3/14/06, Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...> wrote:
> On 3/13/06, Sai Emrys <sai@...> wrote: > > > Buying bread from a man in Brussels > > > He was six foot four and full of muscles > > > I said, "Do you speak my language?" > > > And he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich > > > > *wince* > > Are you wincing at the thought of eating a Vegemite sandwich, or at > the writing? Maybe specifically at the awful "language"/"sandwich" > rhyme?
The latter two, plus the punnish segway from original topic. Never tried vegemite, and my culinary... taste is pretty oddball already, so I'd be willing to. It's vegetarian after all.
> If I recall the song well enough, the singer's version of "language" > sounds like it has an [EdZ)] on the end, making it an even worse > rhyme; for him, "sand wedge" would be better. But then, instead of > trying to figure out what the heck "chunder" means, we'd all be > wondering what a "Vegemite sand wedge" was for. That must be some > freaked-out golf course, man.
*nod* I recognize the song now that I got more lyrics from it. Oddly, people know it here - though it's practically never sung and never on the radio that I can think of. FWIW, I've always heard it sung as "men plunder" not "chunder". WTF is "chunder"?
> > I'm sure my Australian friend would get a kick out of it though. > > S/he's quite possibly already familiar with it, depending on age...
I'm sure she is. I meant just as the followup joke. - Sai