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Re: CHAT: Nakiltipkaspimak

From:Daniel Andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Friday, October 13, 2000, 13:10
Tal skrev:

> Ooh typology! Me wanna! Morphology too? How good is the > library? The one here is much too light on typology and > morphology for obvious reasons. Maybe if there's such a > thing as inter-scandinavian library loan...
Mostly morphology. Lots of syntax. And morphosyntax. We have Östen Dahl and Masja Koptjevskaja-Tamm as prof and assistant prof so it's not that strange that typology (and morphology) is our main thing. We do have a pretty good phonetics department too, though. The library is kinda sucky. It's not _that_ bad, but there should be lots more grammars than there is. Masja is always complaining about the lack of good grammars at our library.
> Maybe personal experience when the subject is implicit and > hearsay when it is overriden (made explicit that is)? Most in the > spirit of the culture however is to let the default be: "the one > who says <x> does not take a stand as to the validity of said > <x>, the listener be the judge." Especially since not mentioning > something (dropping tenses, making existence, 1s subjects and 3 > unknown objects implicit etc.) is so widespread: "Now I won't > bother to mention when it happened or whether it's true or > whodunnit 'cause it ain't really relevant, you see."
That sounds like the way to go, imho. Couldn't have come up with a better rule myself. :)
> Can't do that 'un yet, no free-standing word for "to be" :)
Why would you even need one? :p
> Ah but that's no fuuun... b'sides can IPA actually handle those > diphthongs?
Another good question. (Another?) Well, I hope it can... If there aren't even IPA-signs, I'm not sure _I_ can pronounce them. :)
> Heh, problem here is that "ay" is a special case, because in > ISO-8859-1 there's no y with accent grave... Both aÿ and åì > are used elsewhere, I haven't standardized on one of 'em yet > (suggestions?).
{å} looks _very_ Scandinavian, though I haven't seen it in any other conlang so there you have two good reasons for {åì}. Daniel