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Re: CHAT: Nakiltipkaspimak

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 19:51
* dirk elzinga <dirk.elzinga@...> [001011 20:48]:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, taliesin the storyteller wrote: > > > Heh, yeah, Akan sure did nasty things to my linguistic world-view > > and that is a very good thing. Too bad the linguistics insitute at > > my uni. is primarily a pragmatics/semantics/phonology-place. > ^^^^^^^^^ > Too bad?!! Hmmpf. You should be so lucky as to get a thorough > grounding in phonology ;-).
Hmpf! You obviously haven't met my phonology-prof... we're the biggest in the country on African languages (and Japanese for some reason) not that that says much, and it seems the main phonologic topic/theme/rheme/whatever is intonation, tonemes and tones. If I had taken Linguistics 102 (Deep study of a non-IE language) one year earlier I would have dug into Japanese instead of Akan but hey I'm not complaining; serial verbs, verb-noun-constructions and weird idioms are just as cool. t.