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Re: TRANS: Happiness

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Saturday, October 20, 2001, 22:13
In a message dated 10/20/01 2:32:44 PM, valoczy@VCN.BC.CA writes:

<< silaru = to look
silarena = frequentative form of [silaru]. This, when "verbified", means
"to seek, to search for, to look for", governing the accusative. >>

    This leads me to want to tell how I derived words for "to seek":

jasaTa="to see"
dasaTa="to seek" (plus the first letter of the root for "not", so "to seek"
is not to see)

Gwejdr: (Same thing)
vezIS="to see"
dw&vezIS="to seek"

Wivoys: Nothing special

hesa="to see"
-s=progressive aspect
s_hesa="to seek" (that's an aspirated [s])



Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>