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Re: "Usefull languages"

From:daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>
Date:Thursday, February 14, 2002, 13:57
J Y S Czhang wrote:

> ~ ~ ~ 1} Bislama [also known as "Beche-Le-Mer"/"Bichelamar"] > = one of 3 official national languages of the Republic of > Vanuatu (English and French being the other 2).
I remember playing Trivial Pursuit and got the question "What language do they speak on Vanuatu?" I didn't know for sure, but took a guess at Bislama. However, that wasn't the correct answer. The correct answer was apparently "Vanuatian". Whatever that is. SIL lists 109 languages for Vanuatu, and "Vanuatian" is not one of them. They could spice up the question a bit by asking "What language_s_ do they speak on Vanuatu?". :-P ||| daniel -- |


Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>Trivial Pursuit