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Re: DECAL: Examples #3: Phonological change rules

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, January 15, 2005, 3:39
Sai Emrys wrote:

> Same deal. > > Try to use /UR/->[SR] / X_# type rules (e.g. /C/ -> [-vd C] / [-vd C] > _ ) (# = word boundary). > > Q1: What are your *phonologically driven* sound change rules? I.e., > these will apply to *all* situations, once higher-level UR processes > are done (e.g., morphology). Be sure to include the order of > application, if it's relevant (e.g., you have feeding). This includes > cases that are caused by word boundaries, syllable boundaries, cluster > conflicts (e.g. VC + CV in a CVCV limit), etc.
Generally speaking, combinations of voiced + voiceless consonants are not allowed, so for instance /kr/ would be replaced with /kŕ/ (where /ŕ/ is the voiceless trill). Alveolar fricatives are not allowed after /n/; these are replaced with affricates. So borrowed words with /ns/ and /nz/ always end up having /nc/ and /nż/ in Tirelat.
> Q2: Ditto - but for *morphophonology* or otherwise non-general cases. > E.g., the prefix in- for English (-> r, l, m by context) - it only > applies to that morpheme, not generally AFAIK. Again, include order of > application.
There may have been some of these in earlier versions of Tirelat (I believe there was a suffix -n at one time that lengthened final vowels), but I don't recall any in the current version.
> Q3: Motivation, again? (If anything other than purely aesthetic, or > you can give details of why you think your choices made for better > aesthetics.)
No particularly good reason (for one thing, I wanted to increase the usage of the less common sounds like the voiceless trill and the affricates).