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Re: Literacy in conscripts?

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Sunday, January 23, 2000, 14:35
Barry Garcia <Barry_Garcia@...> wrote:

> I was writing some things out in the Saalangal script (to be officially > named), and i got to wondering, for those of you who have constructed > scripts to go with your languages, how literate are you in writing that > script?
I write at a fairly good speed in Eqalar. Not at blazing speed, or the way a native would, but I don't suddenly forget letters or stop to think. Reading is another thing; I actually have to decipher things. The worst problem, of course, is that I'm the only writer (in this universe), so I can't practice: after I've read the first syllables with difficulty, I remember the whole sentence because I myself wrote it, and I don't really read anymore. --Pablo Flores