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Re: recent conlanging and technology troubles

From:Robert Wilson <han_solo55@...>
Date:Monday, November 3, 2003, 5:46

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 18:15:38 -0500 Robert Wilson <han_solo55@...>

> for tirakem (pronounced ["si.r\A%kEn]), i don't remeber as much of > it, > but most of it is a posteriori, so it's not a total loss... > the sentence in my sig ("gmemtéti gmemtam tirakem?") is pronounced > [g_wEn" "gwEn.tAm "si.r\A%kEn] and of means "do you speak > tirakem?"...
["gwEn.tAm] should be ["g_wEn.tAn]
> <looks around for something to translate...> > > "nxslt etéti utilitem de linem kománd..." > [EnExEsElEt E" " dE "li.nEm ko"mAnd]
["] should be ["] and ["li.nEm] should be ["li.nEn]... "linem" and "kománd" are borrowings, that's why they have the letter <n> (borrowed from english "line" and "command", "line-" is only used to mean a line of text and "kománd" is only used in the phrase "linem kománd")...
> <decides xml-dev isn't a good source for translation exercises> > > at least i "discovered" the word _utilitem_ "tool"...
-- __ __ ____ ____ / / ___ ____ ___ ___ / /__ / __// __/ / _ \/ _ `/ _ \ (_-</ _ \/ / _ \/__ \/__ \ /_//_/\_,_/_//_/__/___/\___/_/\___/____/____/ /___/ Robert Wilson -- vkky vnkynvj vknyknj ykkv knvy? karkalone kontoko? kinsi rorotan kinsa nadas? baitta ke farzaiyai? zres ðu ðjass? rkqxeoitns fxkioxtexikrtx ixqa yxnomk atpukno ujklevt? pake biru ka pa rede? wa kase kasano to? gmemtéti gmetmam tirakem? tsxöxkxye tsxöx röjtyxnïsz? spreken þu viserdya? "boys speak in rhythm and girls just lie." -- anberlin - "foreign language" "You breathe redemption, motive, power, You're elemental, super-collider yeah tenn0!, You are air and earth, fire and ocean, You are Word, You are tenn0 tenn0!" -- mortal - "tenn0" narav teraz' iroti kojes krat erarota kuna, ysivaz' entas naradas krat zuny narav kuraz dityvyszi, radyji, sa rodyji dimokrosi zosa endas d' erensa dades kirs ins wiz ---BEGIN CONLANGER CODE BLOCK--- Version: 0.1a CART/O s: a18:4 h- b c15 v1200 l++ Y++ C+++ y ----END CONLANGER CODE BLOCK---- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/M/O d-(---) s: a18 C++$ UL++++>$ P+>++ L+(++)>++++ E--- W++(+++) N o? K--- w+(--) O?> M-- V? PS PE+ Y+(++) PGP++ t+(*) 5-- X+++ R- tv b+++ DI+ D--- G++++ e h! r-->+++ y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------