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Re: Personality Type / Myers Briggs (was: Philotype)

From:Steve Kramer <scooter@...>
Date:Monday, September 24, 2001, 16:00
---------< Original Message >---------
>Do you mean that the people who devised the test think of these pairs as >mutually exclusive?! They are the ones who need to go to a psychiatrist in my >opinion! Or at least learn the meaning of the words they use... >
Actually, no...the directions indicate that you are to choose the one that suits you *better*. Thus, for example, are you more comfortable with people around, or more comfortable by yourself - all other things being equal? If both are equally valid, you don't answer the question, usually. Out of an average 50-question test of this sort, I usually end up leaving 6 or 7 blank, and have gotten pretty much the same results every time - namely ENTP. I don't know how much that is worth, but then, a healthy skepticism of such things is supposed to be a hallmark of EMTPs. :-) As with other labels of this sort, it never fits exactly, as people are people and will, at the best of times, defy categorization. -- Steve Kramer -=oOo=- scooter at buser dot net Thought for today: "You! What PLANET is this?" Dr. McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever"