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Re: Dog Latin

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 18:11
In a message dated 06/19/2002 04.56.40 AM, hsteoh@QUICKFUR.YI.ORG writes:

>> Kaidha. >> >> Could someone translate this for me? I think it's in dog Latin. I'm not >> sure where any punctuation would go. >> Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum memo bis punitor delicatum >[snip] > ><tongue-in-cheek> >A fox and a mantis, incensed by a glorious cult, remembered the bits of >a delicious puny janitor. ></tongue-in-cheek>
In a message dated 06/19/2002 05.13.27 AM, irina@VALDYAS.ORG writes:
>Oh, I can do that! > >The fax of the mind, in a blaze of glory, remembered the cult it had >twice punished it deliciously.
:P~~~~ NO NO... it's: fax fiery thoughts of Gloria's cult-like memory twice punitively and delicately In a message dated 06/19/2002 06.45.37 AM, hsteoh@QUICKFUR.YI.ORG writes:
>Well, it's easy enough to do that in English. The challenge is, can we >do it in our conlangs? :-)
fax cogni igni glori culto memo duo creu plica ^ in mangled creolego Hanuman Zhang /'hanuma~n dZahN/ Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a. "Monkey," a.k.a. "TricksterGod of Chinese Boxers" ~ om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat ~ mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey TricksterGod ~§~ thee Prizc ov Existenz iz Ætern'l Warfær 'n' Creativ Playf'llniz ~§~