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Re: NATLANG: Scary Document

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 9, 2003, 10:30
At 22:22 8.4.2003 -0400, Herman Miller wrote:

>On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 15:55:58 +0200, Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> wrote: > > >More on-topic, on of the more attractive features linguistically of the > good ol' > >and thankfully dead Soviet Union was the prevalence of officialese > abbrevs made > >of the first bits of the constituent words, eg _Sovnarkom_, _SmerSh_, > _GULag_. > >Unfortunately, I've not managed to force similar habits on any of my > conlangs. > >Is anyone doing so for his/her conlang? > >Actually, I've been considering that for borrowings of English phrases in >Lindiga, for foreign concepts like "political correctness" (polkor) and >"intellectual property" (inteprop).
I haven't tried it for my conlangs, yet, though it is a nice idea. Tibetan uses this technique of taking the first syllable of each words in a phrase, turning it into an "acrosyllabic compound" (a term I just made upon the spot :-) so that _Pandrita chenpo_ becomes _Panchen_, _Drölma karpo_ becomes _Drölkar_, _Ngagki wangpo_ becomes _Ngawang_ (the last incidentally my Tibetan name :-) / B.Philip Jonsson B^) -- (delete X!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No man forgets his original trade: the rights of nations and of kings sink into questions of grammar, if grammarians discuss them. -Dr. Samuel Johnson (1707 - 1784)


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Roger Mills <romilly@...>