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Re: OT: Two Towers movie

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Monday, September 1, 2003, 0:33
--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@...> wrote:

> I like the movie wargs a lot. The do look a > lot like hyenas, > but the Text does seem to suggest that they're > not just > plain vanilla wolves. It gives them a fitting > air of blood- > thirst and barely constrained savageness.
Haven't seen em yet - perhaps tonight. I think hyenas would be the perfect basis for such a nightmare creature! I think I'd rather face a bear!
> An armed teenager facing a battle against a ten > times more > numerous enemy is either afraid or just > terribly stupid.
Considering that a teenager is at best terribly stupid... Consider the culture they grew up in! There's a lot of heroism and warrior mentality - not terribly different from that which produced the Tain or Beowulf. Look at the teenagers growing up *here* in bloody Monrovia! They're not at all "afraid" to point a gun at a man and shoot him full of holes. Consider how many teenagers aren't "afraid" to strap a bomb to their bodies and walk into an Israeli bus or dance hall. I can't imagine Rohirric teenagers (and old gaffers) would be one iota less fearful than these. Padraic. ===== Samlan, isa-susansilo-war-mercumo crastandus, en! mercumes-don-crâgamando, en! mercumes-dom-resmanstaro haccruçen-fon-Mursilbâm! And now, the corpse lies limp, lo! even the body of strength, lo! even the body of Mursilbâm that slew the monster! [Erronian fragment] -- Come visit The World! -- <> .