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Re: OT: How common is it to speak 5+ languages?

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Monday, January 10, 2005, 17:40
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 01:36:31AM -0800, B. Garcia wrote:
> On various mail and online message boards, I see lots of teenagers or > young adults who claim to speak 5+ languages. My _personal_ definition > of being able to "speak" is more on the conversant side, rather than > being able to say a few sentences and ask for basic things. > > So, how common would you say it is for someone to be conversant enough > in 5+ languages where it's more than what your average "teach > yourself" book is going to prepare you for?
[...] Can't say, except that of the 4 languages I'm conversant in, I'm most fluent in English rather than my L1 (scarily enough). My fluency distribution is roughly as follows, on a scale of 1-10: Comprehension Fluency Hokkien (L1) - 10 8 Mandarin - 9 7 English - 10 10 Malay - 8 5 My Malay used to be much better, but has rusted and declined through lack of use over the past decade. Besides these, I know enough Korean phrases to impress someone at first meeting, but I can't construct sentences or carry out any conversations. I can probably only understand 1-5% of a conversation carried out in Korean. On the same scale of 1-10, I'd say my Korean fluency is only about 1 & 1. I can also understand about 30% of a Cantonese conversation, but my Cantonese-speaking level is less than Korean. My Cantonese score would be about 2 & 1. ObConlang: I used to be able to speak Ebisédian without needing to refer to the lexicon, but not anymore. Again, lack of use can really take a toll on your fluency. As far as Ebisédian comprehension goes, I can understand 90% of written Ebisédian without needing to consult the lexicon, but spoken Ebisédian, maybe only 60% (mostly due to an unrealistic phonology, which is one of the reasons Ebisédian is on my backburner now.) I'd say that my Tatari Faran is only barely above my level of Korean in terms of vocabulary (unfortunately), but better than my L1 in terms of grammar (isn't that scary? :-P). My comprehension of written Tatari Faran is about 80%. I've not tried spoken Tatari Faran (it's kinda hard to do it alone y'know? :-P), but I suspect it would be around 60% to 70%. T -- Only boring people get bored. -- JM