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The mysterious substitution of question marks

From:Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 22, 2003, 6:15
Regarding accented characters etc., I've often had minor problems with
them, but since I started getting messages in digest form, it's been
MUCH worse (though from some people they still seem to come through
fine).  And in messages from Christophe, I now find a whole lot of
equals signs followed by numbers which make it very hard to read, as in
the following:

>En r=E9ponse =E0 Paul Bennett : >>Quick experiment. Can Christophe send something with a variety of >>accents, to which Constentin replies, just to satisfy my curiosity?
>Here :)) :
>=E1=E0=E2=E4=E9=C8=C7 =F9=FA=DB =C3=E3
>That should give you a good idea already.
>Note that my mails should be sent in MIME only (or so I set Eudora to >do)=20 >and that I usually have no problem with receiving mails containing >accents= >=20 >(I used to have problems sometimes, but it mostly disappeared since >I=20 >upgraded Eudora). I still the occasional mail in UTF-7 which shows >up=20 >wrongly though.
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Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>